Superman Costumes

Flight, super-hearing, super-intelligence, vision powers (including x-ray vision) super-speed, super-strength, super-breath... do we need to go on? Superman's nick name The Man of Steel was obviously well earned. Except for having that one little vulnerability to green Kryponite he is pretty much indestructible.
His uniform has become nearly as famous as Superman himself. Consisting of a blue bodysuit emblazoned with a red and yellow 'S' on the front and topped off with a heroic looking red cape, this guy looks the part of the quintessential superhero. Plus, the sleek quality of his super suit fits easily under everyday office wear, as was demonstrated by Clark Kent, so he's ready at a moments notice to be Superman!
If you have always dreamed of stepping into a phone booth and tearing open your shirt to reveal a Superman costume we have some good news and bad news. The good news is that we carry a great assortment of Superman costumes right here so getting the look down will be easy. The bad news is that finding a phone booth is going to be a little tricky. Seriously, everyone carries cell phones now so you're going to be searching a while to find one.