Masquerade Masks

Imagine. It is the 15th century. The Carnival is about to begin in the streets and upper-class estates in France. The nobility are about to host the grand masque where all look forward to the elegance of the attendees and the possible mirthful chaos that may unfold. Perhaps it is some hundred years later and you are in Italy, in Venice along the Grand Canal and you've seen the gold and grandeur that will soon decorate the faces of those who will dance and dine into the early hours of the next morning.
The question: are you one of the nobility who have been invited and whose failure to appear would mean a dire stain on the reputation of either yourself or of the host... or are you a member of the lower caste who will sneak your way into the luxurious affair by concealing your identity among the others at the masquerade?
The story is yours to craft when you decide to participate in a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years by acquiring your very own Masquerade Mask!
Stories have exploded based on the pageantry of this pristine party. They began has rich affairs to allow courtiers and royalty to enjoy their riches while wearing masks to conceal their identities. Tales of assassinations and intrigue would grow from real events only to be given even more exciting life from the mystical twists that would be given to them.
Imagine a Beauty and the Beast tale where the lonely prince must discover his true love even though her face is concealed by a mysterious mask. Will he sense his one and only despite the fact that a gorgeous, glittery, gothic mask is the only face he can see? While talking about tales as old as time, how could we not mention the Phantom of the Opera and the iconic half-mask that the Phantom wears while dancing to the haunting music of the night?
The masquerade is all about the theatre, of course, so it is most important that you craft your own character. The peacock plumage of one mask may suggest a traditionally timid woman that loves the masquerade for the chance to let their true colors fly. Perhaps your character will be a haunting ballet dancer doing her best to hold back the black swan that is trying to set itself free. A member of an order of assassins looking for the Venician Devil only to take his spot in the final dance. You can even choose a blank mask to appear as a ghost of possibility or decorate the mask to create your own original look!
In fact, while it is fairly unlikely that any will appear to a masque wearing the same mask upon their face, a simple work of sheer fabric, shining feather, or shimmering sequin can take one of our already amazing Masquerade Masks and turn it into something uniquely you! Take a look at our wide variety and begin coming up with the Masque character of your dreams.