Pennywise Costumes

Some people might want you to get your head out of the gutter. We disagree. It's Halloween, why don't you come down this drain and join us? We all float down here. Choosing to wear a Pennywise Costume for Halloween is choosing to become whimsical in the weirdest, most unhinged way. Once you put on the Pennywise facepaint, the neck ruff, and the orange pom-poms, you'll feel like the ageless evil entity that you always knew was waiting deep down inside.
IT is an iconic movie for a reason. We were already scared of clown costumes. The white faces and painted on smiles have been the main landmark of the uncanny valley for decades, right next to creepy dolls. But Pennywise the Dancing Clown takes it to the next level with teeth that can morph into a sharp, uncanny maw at the drop of a hat.
You can take your Pennywise clown costume as far as you want. Slip into the Pennywise dress and top it off with the trademark clown wig, with the included receding hair link and tufts of orange hair. Or you can go with the traditional Pennywise costume: a simple gray jumpsuit with pom-poms down the front, a ruff around the neck and wrists, and billowy pants. Top this off with a Pennywise mask or nightmare-inducing teeth. Take it to the next level with Pennywise claws and a buoyant red balloon to make the monster of Derry, Maine really come to life!
If you want to bring your Pennywise costume into group costume territory, consider pairing up with poor ol' Georgie. You'll find a couple of options within our IT costumes page so that you can really flaunt your Stephen King style fearsome style however you like!
Speaking about going over the top, have we mentioned that we have all the Pennywise accessories that you could ever ask for? You can make sure that your Pennywise costume is really jaw-dropping from head to toe. Starting from our clown shoes, to an eerie purse to keep and extra red balloons in, and plenty of Pennywise makeup kits and Pennywise masks to help you spread extreme fear wherever you go!
Whether you're a fan of the original novel, the made for tv series, or the newest movies, you'll delight in all of our Pennywise costume selections. Now, don't get us wrong. We're rooting for The Loser's Club throughout all of these versions of IT. But when it comes to celebrating Halloween, dressing up in the Pennywise costume of your choice will always make you feel victorious. There's something about dressing up in these costumes that'll make you almost feel like your floating...